Batelle Study
This study tested devices fed with softened and unsoftened water under controlled laboratory conditions designed to accelerate the water side scaling in the device and quantify the performance efficiency. The project specifically focused on efficiency improvements in household water heaters from use of softened water, and the subsequent effect on performance of fixtures, such as low flow showerheads and faucets, and appliances, such as laundry washers and dishwashers. Use the links below to learn more about the most in-depth, conclusive study done in the water treatment industry in 30 years!
Reducing Chloride Contribution to Wastewater
The final report of this study is available on Madison Metropolitan Sewerage District’s (MMSD) website. The study can be used as a model approach in areas struggling with chloride discharge. The final conclusions were that on average, softener optimizations could reduce the concentration of chlorides by 27% while replacement with systems meeting 4,000 grains/lb. salt efficiency could reduce the concentration of chlorides by 47%.